Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are Trampolines Bad News?

Who would have ever thought trampolines can be dangerous? Although trampoline related in injuries are decreasing, over 98,000 injuries, related to trampolines,were reported in 2009, causing 3,100 hospitalizations. What is causing such injuries? Researchers have found that many of these injuries are due to large groups jumping at the same time on one trampoline. Parents think that due to the soft surface of the trampolines, the kids are safe and feel no impact. Almost all injuries are affect the head and spine, resulting in severe bruising, spraining, and  straining.  A doctor states, "It's all about physics." The younger the child the softer the bones are which can cause an easy injury, and they shouldn't be on a trampoline with others that weigh more than them. Doctors are encouraging parents to make sure that their insurance covers trampoline related injuries and keep a close watch on their children. 


  1. Trampolines are no more dangerous than any other toys that kids play with outside like swing sets and monkey bars

  2. Trampolines are awesome...and if the parents have a fear of their kids falling off, then they need to get barriers around the outside otherwise just let the kids have fun!
