Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Woman asking Police for $300,000

In Brunswick County, North Carolina, Jennifer Herring, was being followed by a police officer with his sirens on. She called the 911 operator and told them she wouldn't pull over unless they paid her $300,000 due to a "false sense of emergency." Throughout the whole time she was being followed by the cops and refusing to pull over, she was on the phone with the operator trying to bargain with the police station. Deputy Joe Cherry, who managed to arrest Herring stated she is a "sovereign citizen." She claimed she was not running from the cop and she wasn't speeding. When asked by the operator her name, Herring stated, "My mother named me Jenna and that's the only name I have. That is my name. My name is what I say it is and I approve this message," she told the operator." She is being charged with reckless driving, DWI, fleeing to elude arrest, and driving without a license. She also didn't receive her $300,000 she asked for.


  1. hhahaha wow, thats so random! so she was drinking at the time then?

  2. people these days i tell ya... this is so i dont know different and alarming... why would a person ever do this the cops arent going to give her money
