Monday, February 11, 2013

Thinner Mice

Recently doctors at the University of Michigan discovered that the drug, amlexanox, used to treat canker sores can maybe be used for a different cause. Doctors at the university had mice on a high fat diet which caused them to be obese, the mice were later on injected with amlexanox, and was magically thin again. The doctors first thought that due to the energy boost the drug came with, that the mice moved more causing them to loose the weight, but studies showed they moved the same. The doctors went through many studies to make sure the drug is the magical remedy to loosing weight. While they continue to study the drug and the mice, they plan to try it out on humans within the next year. Dr. George Bray hopes this newly found use of amlexanox can help obesity, which is something that needs to be stopped before it gets worse. 


  1. This is interesting, but i feel like this wouldn't work on humans, too risky

  2. this is pretty cool, but i kind of feel like sometimes people should try to get off their fat butts and workout and do stuff vs. the artificial lazy way that probably costs a lot of money.
