Monday, December 17, 2012

The Days After Friday 2

I honestly don't think the world will end Friday, I just think the Mayans got lazy and didn't want to add more years to their calendar, but if the world did end, I honestly don't think I'd survive in any case. I think in 2013 and the years to come rumors/assumptions will continue to be made about the world ending sometime soon. Until then, I think the world will just continue to be how it is today. I also think that issues like gun control, gay marriage, and legalizing marijuana will grow. I also think more discoveries will be made on Mars. In conclusion, it would be same stuff, different year. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Woman asking Police for $300,000

In Brunswick County, North Carolina, Jennifer Herring, was being followed by a police officer with his sirens on. She called the 911 operator and told them she wouldn't pull over unless they paid her $300,000 due to a "false sense of emergency." Throughout the whole time she was being followed by the cops and refusing to pull over, she was on the phone with the operator trying to bargain with the police station. Deputy Joe Cherry, who managed to arrest Herring stated she is a "sovereign citizen." She claimed she was not running from the cop and she wasn't speeding. When asked by the operator her name, Herring stated, "My mother named me Jenna and that's the only name I have. That is my name. My name is what I say it is and I approve this message," she told the operator." She is being charged with reckless driving, DWI, fleeing to elude arrest, and driving without a license. She also didn't receive her $300,000 she asked for.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hospital Employee Causes Hepatitis C Breakout

Thirty three year-old, David Kwiatkowski, a former hospital worker has been charged with "fraud and product-tampering" with connection to the recent outbreak of Hepatitis C in New Hampshire, which has sickened over 30 people. Before he was hired at New Hampshire's Exeter  Hospital in April of 2011, he was fired from another hospital in Arizona for being found in a bathroom passed out with a syringe in the toilet, ten months later he was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and began working in New Hampshire. Sources say David stole syringes that were painkillers for patients who went through surgery and use them for himself,  which in result would infect the syringes with his blood and be used on the patients later on.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

3-Year-Old Body Found

On Sunday the 25th, twenty-year-old mother, Camilia Terry called the police while she was at a local park and reported her son, Emilliano, missing. While sobbing to the police dispatcher, she was trying to tell them details of what her son looked like, what he was wearing, and also when was the last time she saw him, which according to her was "fifteen minutes ago." While the FBI was investigating the story they found "inconsistencies" in her story, from forgetting her alleged story she began with. While searching her house, the FBI also noticed a garbage pickup truck leaving her house the day after she reported her son missing. Later on, the FBI went to the waste plant and found Emilliano in a plastic bag. An autopsy  is being held later on.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Police Station Shooting

On Sunday, November 11th, a 64 year-old man reportedly walked into a southeastern Michigan police department around 2:20pm and opened fire. It is said that he walked right into the police station with a handgun and pointed it at an officer sitting behind a bulletproof glass window. It wasn't long until an officer took action on the scene and asked the shooter to put his gun down, refusing to listen, the shooter started firing at the officer behind the window. Both officers then took fire at the shooter, and the shooter shot back, all three were injured and were sent to the hospital. Later on the shooter died. It is unknown why he came to the police department.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Octopus Outrage

Dylan Miller, a nineteen year old scuba diver, went scuba diving off Seattle's Cove 2 October 31st not only to view the infamous giant Pacific octopus but to capture it and kill it. He claimed that he killed the eighty pound octopus to draw for an art project and for its "meat." According to the report, the local divers are outraged due to the fact he hit the octopus in the head and threatened to come back and kill more, even though Miller had a fishing license and didn't violate any laws. He told reporters he only punched the octopus for self-defense because the octopus wrapped its tentacles around Miller resulting in suffocation. The public are still outraged because the octopus is something divers enjoy seeing and it could have been protecting eggs.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

$2.4 Million Dollar Marlin

Dave Sanchez, a Kansas City angler, reportedly caught a 465 pound Blue Marlin. He was currently participating in the Bisbee's Black & Blue Marlin Jackpot Tournament in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, which on the second day he caught his jackpot fish. He caught his fish aboard the yacht "Frantic Pace," with several of his teammates. He stated, "I'm really starting to like this offshore fishing," and it was pure luck that they came across this fish. According to the tournament, the Frantic Pace was the second largest in the tournaments 32 year old's history.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Salon Shooting in Brookfield

On Sunday morning, a man who was identified as Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, opened fire at a salon by Brookfield Square Mall near Milwaukee. He reportedly killed three women, injured four others then shot himself. The irony of the story? Haughton was ordered last week to turn in all of his weapons due to a domestic dispute. Haughton's wife, Zina, filed for a restraining order October 8th, which led to a previous incident which resulted in Radcliffe slashing his wife's tires. There was also records of a charge on Radcliffe's records showing "Disorderly Conduct" which was dropped due to a witness not showing up to court.

At 11:09 while the shooting was occurring at the Azana Day Spa, the mall across the street went under lock down  until the SWAT team found Radcliffe, dead in a locked area in the two-story spa. Shocked, Radcliffe's father and family, apologize for Racliffe's actions.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Failed Terrorist Attack

Twenty-one year old, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul, a Bangladeshi man was arrested Wednesday due to an alleged attempt to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  Quazi was supposedly in the United States on a student visa and was inspired by an Al Qaeda to travel to the US in January to attend college in Missouri. Prosecutors are also saying that Quazi was trying to "recruit members to form a terroist cell." Federal authorities say that Quazi wanted to "destroy America by attacking the nations financial institutions by a 1,000 pound bomb." Little did he know he was set up with a undercover agent that provided him with fake bombs and went to the Federal Reserve and tried to detonate the bomb with his cell phone. After the failed attempt he was soon arrested and taken into custody.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Extreme Potty Training

Elizabeth Escalona, a mother of four kids is currently waiting for her sentence for reportedly gluing her two year old daughter's hands to the wall and beating her. Elizabeth's mother, Oefelia Escalona, testified against Elizabeth saying she found Jocelyn (the two year old daughter) laying a bed with bruises all over her body including her forehand, and her hands injured from the adhesive. Why did the mother do such horrible things? She claims she was trying to potty train her daughter.  It is unsure about how long the two year old was glued to the wall but shortly after she was brought to the hospital, she showed signs of severe brain injury and was in a brief coma. Jocelyn's pediatrician also testified again Elizabeth during the trial, she was shown pictures of the injuries and stated "The entire picture was very shocking." She also said, "I see a lot of children, and this was one of the most shocking cases that I have seen." Now that Elizabeth is facing serious consequences, all of her children are in custody of her mother, Oefelia.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mysterious Chemical House

In Klamath, Oregon, the Hankin's family purchased a home that was recently foreclosed, not knowing it was poisonous. After a few days of moving into the small, $36,000 house, the family, including a two year old boy, started to experience health problems. The mother, Beth Hankins started to develop breathing problems. Two weeks later, the father, Johnathan Hankins, showed signs of severe migraines and nosebleeds. Shortly after, their son developed mouth sores that were so severe, he had difficulty drinking. Finally, their neighbor spoke up and notified them that the Hankin's "perfect house", used to be a meth house,  with a contamination level way above Oregon's health authority limits. Disappointed, the family moved out and asked why weren't they informed. The family warns the public who are looking to buy foreclosed homes to check the background of the house before they buy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are Trampolines Bad News?

Who would have ever thought trampolines can be dangerous? Although trampoline related in injuries are decreasing, over 98,000 injuries, related to trampolines,were reported in 2009, causing 3,100 hospitalizations. What is causing such injuries? Researchers have found that many of these injuries are due to large groups jumping at the same time on one trampoline. Parents think that due to the soft surface of the trampolines, the kids are safe and feel no impact. Almost all injuries are affect the head and spine, resulting in severe bruising, spraining, and  straining.  A doctor states, "It's all about physics." The younger the child the softer the bones are which can cause an easy injury, and they shouldn't be on a trampoline with others that weigh more than them. Doctors are encouraging parents to make sure that their insurance covers trampoline related injuries and keep a close watch on their children. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

LSU Bomb Threat

On Monday the 17th, the East Baton Rouge 911 Center received a call at ten thirty in the morning reporting a bomb somewhere on the grounds of Louisiana State University.  Following, was a campus-wide evacuation including separate building searches that was a lengthy process.  On the campus, was a state SWAT team along with bomb sniffing dogs. At about five o'clock the LSU police captain stated the school buildings would reopen individually once the status was clear and safe to enter. By the evening, the whole campus was clear and students were back to their dorms. No evidence of a bomb was found.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Maggots with Medical Benefits

In the 1920s scientific studies began on medical maggot use, in the 1930s medicinal maggots were used throughout many surgeons to treat bone infections and burns. During the 1940s Penicillin, a simple medical drug, stopped the use of medical maggots. Then, in 1989, the Food and  Drug Administration allowed medical firms to use and produce maggots as a medical treatment.
Today, Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon, recently had a patient that came to him with an open flesh wound, believing his wound was "alive." Dr. Youn then placed his foot, with the wound, in a medical whirlpool that would cleanse the wound properly. Sure enough, maggots were floating to the surface of the water one by one. Dr. Youn told his patient that he came to the hospital just in time to avoid a fatal injury.
Although, Dr. Youn's patient had maggots in wound without knowing, it is very dangerous for anyone to go through this therapy at home and should contact a doctor if they think this treatment is right for them.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Playing to Lose

During the summer Olympics of 2012, a total of four teams were disqualified in the badminton portion of the games for violating the rule of "fair play" . It was said that two South Korean pairs, one Indonesian pair, and one Chinese pair were purposely losing the matches to manipulate the knockout draw in the round-robin format, in order to earn a easier match up. It all started with the Chinese losing to Denmark in the preliminary round automatically leading them to the knockout round rather than the gold-medal round. Eventually both the Korean and Indonesian teams caught on and thought they too should purposely lose the game. The audience was not pleased to see such an awful game and to see the players effortlessly serving the birdie into the nets while laughing. Eventually, due to the booing from the audience, the referee stepped in and gave the players a warning of disqualification if the continued to play unfairly. Not long after, the four teams were disqualified.